Meet The Park Life Team

As a team we are all very excited about extending our distribution into Bearsden & Milngavie and the feedback has been tremendous. Here is an introduction to the Park Life team.


Katrina Gardner


After a career in hotels involving all aspect of business from sales to marketing I thought running my own business would be easy! Lots of highs and a few lows on the way but overall, a love of this part of the world and a desire to get involved locally it has been a joy. With over £50,000 raised under the Park Life name for local charities and numerous networking events which allows us to get know more local businesses and connecting them it has been a lot of fun and with this excellent team it’s most certainly onwards and upwards for Park Life Magazine!


Lisa Sanderson


Lisa started with Park Life over 7 years ago after having had a break from work to raise her two children (raising kids has to be harder than any job I can think of!) With a degree in Business Management which led to a career as Hotel Manager for Whitbread we have no idea why she loves working with us so much! Lisa’s love of the Park Life area shines through when she visits our customers and tries to help them promote their businesses using the skills and knowledge she has in sales and marketing its all helped with her happy bubbly personality. She can be spotted out and about delivering Park Life at the numerous drop off points monthly when in  search for a coffee and a chat!


Simon Jones

Creative Director

Simon has been a very welcome addition to the team and has over 30 years in the Graphic Design and Advertising industry and now has own company, Skep Design. We have thrown a lot of curve balls his way and he is never fazed... well not yet! Simon has worked with the team for the last 6 years producing all the design and creative work for Park Life Magazine and numerous local businesses including designing the Drymen Gala Day Programme for the last 3 years.


Paul Saunders

Marketing & social Media

Paul is a marketing consultant based in Drymen and works with a number of local businesses. He looks after the running of our Facebook account; he also writes articles and provides photography for the magazine. His Creative input has greatly enhanced our social media presence with videos, photos etc highlighting up and coming events and reviewing successful local gatherings along with local news updates. As you probably all know he is also renowned for his amazing photography skills.
